The DRIH is a part of the community. The DRIH offers help wherever & whenever needed. The group continues to grow and dynamically changes based on the needs of the areas in which we work.
View the video below to Learn all about what services we offer directly from our founder.
The DRIH's heart and soul are our volunteers, without you we are nothing. We hope to encourage you to join our cause and to be a part of a family that grows.
Our Projects
Project Pangaea
Project Pangaea is the DRIH's largest movement & was created to incite a greater understanding of humanity. The world is full of different people, feelings, cultures, beliefs, and ideals and that's okay. When we take the time to learn from one another we gain a greater appreciation of others no matter their standing in life. We must begin to understand that race is a created idea and that humanity is one. The beauty of being human is that we are all here for a short time, life is precious. Humanity is about loving one another, teaching one another, and growing together no matter our differences. Being human is to care about other humans. A great teacher once said "This is the greatest display of love to give your life on behalf of your friends"
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body
Project My Sister
Project My Sister is a movement to uplift and inspire woman young and old to be great in all aspects of life. "There is no such thing as you’re a girl so you can't." Women are worthy of all praise. They are mothers, sisters, and daughters. This movement is to remind the world of how beautiful our women are and to celebrate them as the queens they are. There is nothing impossible for you. We seek to teach women to respect and love themselves, to never let anyone treat them as if they were less then and understand just how important they are. You are the cradles of life. This is a power only you can know. This movement is to celebrate you!
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body
Project My Brother
Project my brother is a movement that hopes to inspire men young and old, to be a contributing part of society. The men of the world will be fathers to children and in many cases the heads of households, even though all men know that women have always been the real bosses (Just a little humor). We hope to teach you how to love, be kind, and work hard in life. "I myself never had a father to teach me the fatherly things of men. Thus, I will do anything in my power to make sure that I and other men become the best fathers to their children, I have always believed that every child needs their dad." -Da'Veon E Ramos
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body
The Phillips Project
The Phillips project was personally created by our founder and president Da'Veon E. Ramos. This project was created to help those struggling with personal health & wellness. The project was inspired by an amazing friend that has dedicated her life to health, personal wellness & fitness, Da'Veon's belief in her mission and ability founded this movement. This is to honor her & all those willing to fight for their own wellness. The Phillips project was built to help counsel and inspire hope for all those seeking guidance with their daily health challenges; to inspire all to seek healthy, happier times. The Phillips project goals are to help provide personal fitness training & dietary plans to guide it's participants throughout a new healthy lifestyle. We will with your dedication create a fit America, yet we know how hard it can be. I was once told "Never assume" and this is true even though said in different circumstances, we never know what pains and struggles people are experiencing." You are not alone; you are worthy of all things & we will never leave your side. There is hope! If you are willing, we will help build a healthier you!" -Da'Veon E Ramos
Created and approved by founder and president
Da'Veon E Ramos
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body
Project Community
Project Community was created as a catalyst to help impoverished communities. The greatest way to enact change is to cause change ourselves. Project Community allows the community themselves to support & fund their own projects for rebuilding, educating & recreation. We can no longer complain about the need to change, now we have the opportunity to create change ourselves.
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body
Project Overlord
Project Overlord is one of our greatest hopes for humanity. It's the expansion of the DR project code name Pangaea towards other cities in Maryland and eventually the entire nation. It's undoubtedly the greatest and most astronomical challenge in our organization's history. We hope that DR's project Pangaea can spark and inspire greater movements citywide, statewide, and by all means nationwide.
Approved by The DRIH Governing Body